Mohan is an Indian director of Malayalam films. Mohan has done several critically acclaimed films including Angene Oru Avadhikkalathu, Pakshe, Isabella, Oru Katha Oru Nunnakkatha, Idavela, Vida Parayum Mumbe and Shalini Ente Koottukari. He has scripted five films, Angene Oru Avadhikkalathu, Mukham, Sruthi, Alolam and Vida Parayum Mumbe , and wrote the story of two films, Ithile Iniyum Varu and Kathayariyathe. He himself produced his film Upaasna.
His association with screenwriter John Paul has always spawned critically and commercially successful films.[1] He has also associated with master writer Padmarajan in the films Idavela, Kochu Kochu Thettukal and Shalini Ente Koottukari. He is widely considered to be one of the major directors during the 80s, the golden era of Malayalam cinema.[2]
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